Community Guides Page

Step-by-step guide on how to explore the Community Guides page in the hunter terminal

TokenHunters community members are able to craft there own airdrop guides & educations guides to share it with the world and your community. After publication the guides can be found in the profile tab ''my guides'' and in the community guides library.

Hunter Terminal - Community Guides

  • On the eighth page of the hunter terminal you find the community guide library.

  • The library consists (for now) out of 2 tabs.

  • Under tab one, you will find all the airdrop guides created by a TokenHunters community member.

  • Under tab two, you will find all the educational guides created by a TokenHunters community member.

Click the link below to find the step-by-step tutorial on how to create a community guide.

pageCreate Community Guide

That's it for the Community Guides page in the hunter terminal. Let's continue with the Last Page of the Hunter Terminal!

Last updated