TokenHunters NFTs

Module #3 - TokenHunters Hunt-To-Earn Airdrop Program

Hunting Module #3 - TokenHunters NFTs:

The TokenHunters NFTs module introduces a captivating system where users can earn gems through earning, minting, or trading NFTs, known as artifacts. These artifacts have a wide range of use cases, including mining, unlocking hidden treasures and chests, gaining special roles, token gating access, and managing gem balances.

The artifacts play a crucial role throughout the Hunt-To-Earn program, offering various functionalities and advantages. However, the most significant aspect of this module is the snapshot taken at the end of the program. This snapshot records all holders of eligible NFTs, and those included in the snapshot will receive a corresponding amount of gems.

Engage with the TokenHunters NFTs module to maximize your rewards and enhance your gem-hunting adventure. Each artifact you acquire could be the key to unlocking greater opportunities and benefits within the TokenHunters ecosystem.

Eligible TokenHunters NFT Collections

Below is a table listing the NFT collections and individual NFTs that are currently eligible for the snapshot. The TokenHunters team reserves the right to add new NFTs as the Hunt-To-Earn program evolves. In the world of TokenHunters, secrets and hidden treasures abound.

Keep in mind that some NFTs are necessary to unlock other NFTs, which contain the actual rewards. For instance, you might need a specific key NFT to open a particular chest NFT to access the rewards. These NFTs can also provide token-gated access to special pages or quests. Additionally, some NFTs hold multiple utilities and are required for more than one action. This strategic and mysterious module promises excitement and returns on investment in various ways.

Please note that not all NFTs from the TokenHunters collections will be live and deployed at the start of the program. Some NFTs within a collection will be unlocked as the storyline progresses and reaches key moments, or NFTs are needed to get access to other NFTs. The list above will be updated when new NFTs are added to the program.

  • Collect, earn, win, use, mint and trade NFTs.

  • Create your own strategy in order to earn a maximum rewards allocation.

  • Those who hold the eligible NFTs during the snapshot, will receive the allocation.

Stay alert for new additions and hidden opportunities. Each NFT you collect could play a crucial role in your journey within the TokenHunters ecosystem.

Last updated