Temporary Multipliers

Step-by-step guide on how to obtain and use temporary multiplier badges on TokenHunters

Supercharge your progression! Unlock Rank-Based Multipliers or Temporary Multipliers to boost your XP and Gem rewards. Keep an eye on the Multiplier Badge Library for more ways to increase your earnings.

XP Multiplier Badges

  • Temporary Multipliers can be purchased with gems and offer higher multipliers for a limited time.

  • You’ll find these on the Experience Points page in the XP Multiplier Badge Library.

  • Open the avatar dropdown menu, and click the hunter terminal tab.

  • This will bring you to the Experience Points page.

  • Scroll down untill you see the XP Multiplier Badges tab.

  • You find it under the XP tasks tab, click the XP Multiplier text to open the tab.

  • Here you will find all the available XP Multiplier Badges.

  • When you click the ''Unlock'' button under one of the multiplier badges, the gem amount will be deducted from your total gem balance.

  • Once you've purchased an XP multiplier badge, it will be automatically activated, allowing you to earn boosted rewards for all XP tasks. For example, if a task rewards 100 XP and you have a 4x multiplier, you'll receive 400 XP instead of the original 100.

  • To view the badge you purchased, you first need to go back to the main page of the Hunter Terminal. You do this by scrolling up and click the ''my account'' button.

  • Once on the main page of the Hunter Terminal, scroll down and open the Multiplier Badges box, which is located under your badge inventory.

  • Here you will find when the badge will be expired, you also will be informed by email 1 day before the badge expires, including a link to purchase a new one.

  • Once the badge is expired, it will be removed from your account and Multiplier Badge inventory.

GEM Multiplier Badges

  • Coming soon.

Rank-based Multipliers

  • Coming soon.

That's it for the multiplier badges, stay tuned for more features that will be connected to the new badges.

Last updated