Roadmap V1

As we embark on this exciting journey in the ever-evolving world of web3, we are thrilled to share our plans for the future with you.

Please note that this roadmap is a living document and represents our current understanding of the path ahead. However, we understand that the cryptocurrency landscape is dynamic, and unforeseen opportunities and challenges may arise along the way.

Our goal with TokenHunters is to create a platform that empowers individuals to explore, discover, and engage with the world of digital assets in a meaningful and intuitive way. Whether you are a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just beginning your journey, our aim is to provide you with the tools and resources you need to navigate this exciting space with confidence.

Roadmap v1 Stages

The TokenHunters Roadmap is a living document, milestones and updates may change!



Market Research:

- Conduct thorough market research to understand the current landscape of Web3 and blockchain projects.

- Perform a detailed competitive analysis to identify key competitors, their strengths, and weaknesses.

- Identify the target audience and pinpoint their pain points and needs.

- Define the unique value proposition of TokenHunters, distinguishing it from competitors.

Concept Development:

- Develop a clear and compelling core concept and project vision for TokenHunters.

- Outline the key features and functionalities that the project will offer.

Whitepaper Drafting:

- Write the first draft of the whitepaper, detailing the project’s goals, technology, and Tokenomics.

- Outline the technical architecture and economic model (Tokenomics) of TokenHunters.

Assemble Core Team:

- Identify and onboard core team members with relevant expertise.

- Formalize advisory roles and responsibilities to guide the project strategically.

Blockchain Selection:

- Evaluate and select the most suitable blockchain platform for TokenHunters, considering scalability, security, and community support.

Smart Contract & Backend Development:

- Set up the backend infrastructure to support the project.

- Implement data handling and transaction processing capabilities.

Frontend Development:

- Design and develop the user interface for web and mobile platforms, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Core Feature Implementation:

- Build and integrate core features such as user profiles, content creation tools, social interactions, and token integration.

Stage 1

Beta Launch & Community Building (ALMOST FINISHED)

Launching Beta Version:

- Release the beta version of TokenHunters to a select group of users.

Community Building:

- Create social media channels and community forums to engage with users and build a community.

- Onboard initial users and incentivize their participation and feedback through testing rewards.

Exploration Activities:

- Organize activities that encourage users to explore and use the platform.

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

- Collect feedback from beta users and implement necessary improvements and bug fixes.

Building Awareness:

- Initiate marketing campaigns to build awareness about TokenHunters.

Stage 2

Feature Expansion & Strategic Growth (STARTED)

Dapps, Guide & Quest Library Transition:

- Implement new features based on initial plans and user feedback.

The Search & Filter system Activation:

- Launching the advanced search & filter system for our users to seamlessly find direct what they are looking for.

Launch Hunt-To-Earn (Part 1):

- Introduce the first phase of the Hunt-To-Earn feature, engaging users in gamified earning activities.

Expanding the Hunt book:

- Continuously update and expand the project documentation (Hunt book).

Establish Strategic Partnerships:

- Form strategic partnerships with other blockchain projects, influencers, and key industry players.

Host Community Events and AMAs:

- Host regular community events and Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions to keep users engaged and informed.

Social UI & Feature Upgrades

- Transform the TokenHunters Social Hub with new features and an improved user experience. Enjoy enhanced social interactions, a redesigned user interface, and exciting new tools for community engagement.

Memberships and Token Gating:

- Introduce membership tiers and token gating to offer exclusive content and benefits.

NFT Collection Launch:

- Launch the first collection of NFTs to add unique value and engagement opportunities for users.

Stage 3

DAO Formation & Mobile Beta

TokenHunters DAO – Phase 1:

- Begin organizing the TokenHunters DAO, outlining its structure and governance model, for onboarding the OG tokenhunters.

Gamification Expansion:

- Implement new gamified features and updated user interface.

New Quest UI:

- Implement an updated user interface for quests to enhance user engagement.

Education Introduction:

- Introduce educational content to help users understand the platform, the web3 realm and blockchain technology. Opening our libraries.

Hunt-To-Earn (Part 2):

- Launch the second phase of Hunt-To-Earn, expanding the feature set and engagement opportunities.

Community & Promotion Submissions:

- Allow users to submit more content and promotion of products and projects to further build the community.

Marketing & Partnerships:

- Strengthen marketing efforts and form additional partnerships to expand reach.

Expanding Features:

- Continuously add new features based on plans user feedback and technological advancements. Features such as Messenger expansion, NFT gating, Interactive NFT Inventory, Miner dashboard among many others.

TokenHunters Shop:

- Release of the TokenHunters Shop, an online store with virtual & IRL items, exclusive discounts, courses, and merchandise. Browse and purchase products with detailed descriptions, pricing, and purchase options.

Mobile Beta Application:

- Release the beta version of the mobile application to a select group of users.

Tokenomics Design:

- Finalize the token distribution model, staking rewards, and governance mechanisms.

Legal Compliance:

- Ensure the project complies with legal regulations and obtain necessary legal opinions.

Fundraising Campaign:

- Launch a fundraising campaign to secure additional funding for project development.

Stage 4

Public Launch & DAO Operation

Hunt-To-Earn (Part 3):

- Launch the third phase of Hunt-To-Earn, fully realizing its potential.

Cross-Platform Gamification:

- Introduce gamification features across multiple platforms to enhance user engagement.

On-Chain Integration Updates:

- Implement updates to on-chain integrations, ensuring smooth and efficient transactions.

Tokenomics Release:

- Publicly release the finalized Tokenomics model.

Tokenomics Release:

- Users can easily set up and customize their own marketplace, showcasing their NFTs and offerings. Intuitive tools and templates will be provided to facilitate the creation process, ensuring that even users with minimal technical skills can participate. Host and sell a variety of NFTs, including digital art, collectibles, in-game assets, and more. Offer a wide range of Web3-related products, such as digital goods, services, and access to exclusive content.

Launch Seed Rounds:

- Conduct seed rounds to attract initial investors.

New Dapp Release V1:

- Release the first version of the React Native decentralized application (Dapp).

Private Sale & Public Sale:

- Conduct private and public sales of tokens to raise capital and distribute tokens.

TokenHunters DAO – Phase 2:

- Transition the DAO into full operational status, enabling community governance.

Stage 5

Full Launch & Expansion

Hunt-To-Earn Season End:

- Conclude the first season of Hunt-To-Earn, rewarding participants and gathering feedback.

Launch V1 React Native Dapp:

- Release the first version of the React Native Dapp, ensuring cross-platform compatibility. Expanding the new features with staking and more.

TGE & Community Rewards S1:

- Conduct the Token Generation Event (TGE) and distribute community rewards for Season 1.

TokenHunters Trading Card Game (TCG):

- Launch the Alpha version of TokenHunters Trading Card Game, expanding the platform's entertainment offerings.

TH IP Branding:

- Develop and promote the TokenHunters intellectual property (IP) for broader recognition.

TH Podcast Channel:

- Launch a podcast channel to share insights, updates, and engage with the community.

New Phase & Roadmap Expansion:

- Plan and initiate new phases of development, expanding the roadmap with innovative features and goals.

Each stage is designed to build upon the previous one, leading to the ultimate goal of establishing Tokenhunters as a fully decentralized platform driven by its community through the DAO.

These stages capture the key activities and milestones involved in building the community, testing and enhancing features, expanding user base, implementing gamification strategies, and ultimately integrating governance and transitioning to a DApp.

The stages on our roadmap provided here is a preliminary outline and is subject to change. As TokenHunters evolves and adapts to market dynamics, user feedback, and technological advancements, updates and modifications to this roadmap may occur. We recognize that flexibility is key in navigating the ever-changing landscape of the cryptocurrency industry.

While we have made every effort to outline our planned stages and milestones, unforeseen circumstances or opportunities may necessitate adjustments to our trajectory. Additionally, as we gather insights and engage with our community, new features and enhancements may be identified that could enhance the overall TokenHunters experience.

We remain committed to transparency and will strive to keep our community informed of any changes or additions to our roadmap. Your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us as we work towards building a robust and user-friendly platform.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support as we embark on this journey together.

The TokenHunters Team

Last updated